The Representative of Imaginary Freedom: İrem Yılmaz

İrem Yılmaz, with her oil paintings questioning the nature of freedom, weaves various shuttles between reality and imagination by placing images at length with their components. While the pastel tones she uses express the narrative of simplicity, her education that was based on graphic design adds a unique sharpness to her works. You are invited […]

Is Your Art Travel Plan Ready for 2023?

Art Professionals’ Impressions of 2022 and Suggestions for 2023 When the 2023 art season starts we have addressed our questions to valuable collectors, curators, and art lovers: What places they visited last year, what they were most impressed with, what kind of interests they had when purchasing, and which organizations they will visit next season. […]

A Look at New Museums in 2023

2022 was a year that the hardships caused by the pandemic disappeared and the art environment came alive again. Along with many exhibitions, art competitions, biennials and the events held in parallel with the biennials newly opened museums especially in Istanbul refreshed the art and culture scene of the city.

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

Glass Onion and Collecting Art in Modern Society Glass Onion, the new movie of the Knives Out series, presents a murder mystery story through the character of tech billionaire Miles Bron, played by Edward Norton, who draws our attention with his similarity to Elon Musk. We can think of Bron, who gathered all his friends […]

From Antrepo No:5 to İstanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum

İstanbul Resim ve Heykel Müzesi

İstanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum which was closed the doors of its former place Apartment of the Heir Apparent in Dolmabahçe Palace in 2009, opened again in October 9th 2022 in its new building with the “Collection Exhibition” curated by Ayşe Köksal and Burcu Pelvanoğlu. In the exhibition which is a compilation of paintings and […]


Co-organized by and Swissôtel The Bosphorus, the exhibition “Synesthesia” will be on view from 22 September 2022 to 2 March 2023 at Swissôtel The Bosphorus, Istanbul. The exhibition curated by the team features works by Filiz Piyale Onat, Khayyam Zidane and Müge Ceyhan, offering the viewers an abstract experience interpreting various mental states, […]


From November 9 to December 8, works by artists Baysan Yüksel, Funda Alkan, Gözde Başkent, Lütfiye Kösten and Mihriban Mirap will be on view at the 39 Art Gallery of Kalamış Marina Hotel as part of the “Stories” exhibition.

Paintings Exploring Our Existence: Khayyam Zidane

In his paintings exploring the nature of our existence, Khayyam Zidane makes authentic use of the oil color and its rich vocabulary of tones. He is simultaneously present in two different geographies like Turkey and Syria, drawing inspirations from both. We embarked with Zidane on a deep journey into his art that combines philosophical questioning […]

17th Istanbul Biennial

The 17th Istanbul Biennial, organised by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) and supported by 2007-2026 Biennial Sponsor Koç Holding, running from 17 September – 20 November 2022 today announced the list of contributors. The 17th Istanbul Biennial is the result of more than two years of conversations on projects situated in different […]

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