Paris The City Where the Past Meets the Future

Paris is such a city that the expectations created by its name alone can cause a psychological syndrome. The “Paris Syndrome”, which at least 20 tourists suffer from every year, can sometimes even turn into a psychosis. Tourists, mostly Japanese, attribute so much hope, excitement and perfection to this city that the homeless people shouting […]

Midnight in Paris

The 2011 fantastic comedy film by Woody Allen is among Allen’s most admired films. Midnight in Paris brings together the audience with many artists, poets, writers, directors, critics, collectors from Paris in the 1920s. It is about a story of a screenwriter (Gil Pender) who is in search of inspiration and goes to Paris where […]

Museums To Open In 2020

We witnessed many openings of impressive and innovative museums both in Turkey and around the world in 2019. And in 2020 we will be seeing a lot more fascinating museums. Let’s explore these new museums that promise different experiences to their audiences and discover their remarkable architectures.

Paris: The City of Light, Love and Art

Bridges on the Seine River, breath-taking Eiffel Tower standing tall at the heart of the city, crème and beige apartments with small balcony… The city of light and lovers, Paris, makes you feel at home, simply because Paris Sera Toujours Paris (Paris will always be Paris). You can hear an Edith Piaf song playing on […]

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