From Life to Canvases: Farzin Rahneshin

Farzin Rahneshin considers art as a part of his life. He produces paintings in which he deals with the void and embodies the images in various ways by examining each emotion, living thing and object in life in a deconstructive manner. We had a conversation with the Iranian artist Farzin Rahneshin, about his adventure to […]

The Compositions in which Figures and Movement Integrate with Nature: Elif Çelebi

While producing her paintings, Elif Çelebi inspires from the performing arts. In her compositions, the figures in motion integrate with nature and Çelebi takes the viewer from reality into fictional spaces in which there is no sense of gravity. Among the various techniques that Çelebi is experienced with, she mostly uses engraving while producing her […]

An Alternative Urban Experience with İpek Yeğinsü

The urban experience in İpek Yeğinsü’s photographs is more about dynamic and blurry impressions rather than static images. As a long-time member of the family with her contributions to the website’s content and her almost abstract expressionist photographs, we talked to Yeğinsü about her experience, her multi-dimensional career and her artistic practice.

The Painter Searching for the Answers to Inner Dilemmas in Deserted Places: Güliz Baydemir

Concepts from the unconscious symbolized by colors, deep dilemmas inherent in the social reality we live in and difficulties originating from our primitive desires lie at the center of Güliz Baydemir’s artistic practice. How about taking a privileged journey into Baydemir’s universe of thoughts, who sees painting as her favorite instrument of expression and whose […]

On Umut Yalım’s Extraordinary Adventure In The Arts

Umut Yalım is one of the most colorful, authentic and versatile figures of our contemporary art scene. Approaching the notion of art in his writings, drawings and performances from a critical perspective, Yalım talked to us about his journey as an artist, his areas of interest and his upcoming projects.   When did your fascination […]

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