On “Art Affect” with Selma Aygün

Selma Aygün is one of the most colorful and multidimensional characters of our art world… She is both an artist and a collector. She was trained in architecture and sociology, and she became interested in fashion and decoration. She successfully continues her career in the Board of Directors of The Painting and Sculpture Museum Association. […]

Art at the “Avantgarde” Hotels: Interview with İsmet Öztanık

Art at the “Avantgarde” Hotels: Interview with İsmet Öztanık Interview: Yasemin Elçi Translation: İpek Yeğinsü İsmet Öztanık, the creator of the Avantgarde brand visible in many areas of Istanbul with its hotels, has 25 years of experience in hotel management. He also adds an artistic element to his family business by sponsoring various important contemporary […]

On Collecting and Legal Aspects of Art Market in Turkey with Mehmet Ali Bakanay

Mehmet Ali Bakanay is a law practitioner, collector and one of the consultants of Art International. In addition to being active in the artworld as an artlover and collector, he has the opportunity to closely watch legal aspects of the art market. We had a fun conversation with Bakanay on topics ranging from his art […]

Art and Travel with Özlem Avcıoğlu

Does one who travels knows better than one who reads? With her active and adventurous lifestyle, Özlem Avcıoğlu redefines this much known argument: she both travels and reads a lot. Engaged in many fields simultaneously, she successfully merges all her interests. You may know Avcıoğlu from travelmodus.com, a website she founded to inspire “sophisticated travellers”, […]

Art Fairs with Banu Çarmıklı

Banu Çarmıklı’s passion for art goes a long way back. In addition to collecting art, she follows the art world very closely. After graduating from Marketing and Business Administration at London University of Richmond, Çarmıklı attended many Art History classes on both international and domestic levels and managed to channel her passion for art into […]

Discovering and Investing in Emerging Artists

Recently, there is an increasing interest in new and emerging artists, both locally and internationally. Many contests, exhibitions, fair and awards are being organized for discovering and supporting new talents. We had a conversation with the renowned curator and academician Marcus Graf on how he discovers new artists, the importance of emerging artists both for […]

Artful Venues with Ahu Büyükkuşoğlu Serter

Founders of Turkey’s first boutique art hotel Case Dell’ Arte, Ahu Büyükkuşoğlu Serter has developed the art collection that her parents started and brought it to this day. Aside from her engagement in art, Büyükkuşoğlu is also known with her success and entrepreneurship in the business world. We have asked her about her art collection, […]

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