Leonardo da Vinci, The Biography

Leonardo da Vinci produced two of the world’s most famous paintings: Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. But in his own mind he was a man of science and technology. With a passion that sometimes became obsessive, he conducted innovative studies of anatomy, fossils, birds, the heart, flying machines, botany, geology, and weapons. The iconic […]

Faces Places

The documentary Faces Places focuses on the journey of Agnes Varda, one of the most important artists of the New Wave movement, and the French street artist and photographer JR, through rural France. Varda and JR, who wrote, directed and participated in the film, share the faces of the people they met during their trip […]

Paper & Glue

The film Paper & Glue, is a documentation of the ideas behind the projects of French street artist and photographer JR, who makes very large photo installations in disadvantaged communities. Despite the ephemeral nature of his works, JR, shares the stories of the people in these photographs, questions the impact of art on social change. […]

After The End of Art

After the End of Art book is based on a speech given by the American art critic and philosopher Arthur C. Danto as a part of A.W. Mellon Seminars. The mimetic tradition based on the fact that art is a representation of reality, has been abandoned and the meaning and purpose of art has begun […]

Brutal Aesthetics

Art historian and author Hal Foster focuses on post-war writers and artists’ search for a new foundation in art in his book Brutal Aesthetics. Foster explores the effects of the World War II, the genocide and the atomic bomb in art, through the works of artists between 1940 and 1960. Inspired by the notion that […]

Art Instinct – Beauty, Pleasure and Human Evolution

A philosopher of art, Denis Dutton’s Art Instinct focuses on art and evolution, two contentious topics. He offers a revolutionary perspective on how art is perceived, arguing that aesthetic taste is an evolutionary trait that is shaped by natural selection. Dutton, shares his findings with the reader, how aesthetics are not just a social construct […]

Hong Kong’s New Favorite, M+

The M+ contemporary art museum, whose construction started in 2014 and opened its doors on November 12, 2021, is one of the cornerstones of the West Kowloon Cultural District. The project, planned by Foster + Partners in 2010, is the largest-scale project of a cultural district in the world. Located in a 40-hectare expropriated area […]

Savior for Sale: Da Vinci’s Lost Masterpiece?

Savior for Sale: Da Vinci’s Lost Masterpiece? directed by Antoine Vitkine, the documentary pursues Salvatore Mundi, which was sold for $450 million in 2017, making it the most expensive piece of art in the world. The work, which first appeared in a small auction house in 2005, has become the focus of much speculation. The […]

The Lost Leonardo

The Lost Leonardo movie directed by Andreas Koefoed focuses on Salvatore Mundi, which is allegedly Leonardo Da Vinci’s lost painting. The documentary, which is an international co-production, met with the audience in 2021. The film, which deals with the events since the first appearance of the piece at an auction house in New Orleans, which […]

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