Turkey’s first art hotel Casa dell’Arte and contemporary art platform Art50.net welcome the 2018 season with a colorful art selection.
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, p.78
With their common ideal of supporting young artists, Casa dell’Arte and Art50.net embark on a new joint mission. The exhibition “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” inspired by William Shakespeare’s work and featuring art50.net artists will be on view at Bodrum Casa dell’Arte Gallery from May 25 to July 2.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare’s 400-year-old masterpiece is a poetic love story taking place in a forest under the moonlight, inspired by the popular fairy tales of its time. The exhibition based on this Shakespearean atmosphere inviting the viewer to take a fantastic journey with a summer breeze, features works by Mehmet Çevik, Görkem Dikel, Merve Dündar, İdil Güral, Begüm Mütevellioğlu, Azime Sarıtoprak, Saliha Yılmaz and Baysan Yüksel from art50.net.

In their fairy tale-like works each with their authentic stylistic languages, Görkem Dikel, Azime Sarıtoprak and Baysan Yüksel draw inspiration from iconology, traditions, myths, rituals and personal memoires. Merve Dündar’s oeuvre questions the relationship between privacy and ‘existence’ through the gaze of the other. In their abstract and colorful paintings, Mehmet Çevik and İdil Güral directly transfer their worlds of imagination onto the canvas. Begüm Mütevellioğlu, on the other hand, transforms four-walled rooms into outdoor spaces opening into strange landscapes and gardens, and filled with memories, thoughts and dreams everyone has access to.
Casa dell’Arte Gallery:
Opening Ceremony: May 24 2018, Thursday, 7 pm
Location: Casa dell’Arte Otel – İnönü Caddesi No: 6 Torba, Bodrum. Phone: +90 (252) 367 1848
Dates: May 24 – July 2, 2018
Visiting Hours: Every day from 2 pm to 9 pm