
The “Leonardo” series focuses on the extraordinary life of Leonardo da Vinci, who is considered a genius today, behind his world-famous works. Combining the known aspects of the artist’s life with fiction, the series does not reflect the real Leonardo da Vinci, but offers a different interpretation and perspective on the artist’s life.

In the series, the dramatic creation processes of the artist’s masterpieces such as The Last Supper, Ginevra de Benci and Mona Lisa are also included in the fiction. The machines designed by Da Vinci as an engineer, which will only be realized centuries later, and the creative solutions he finds to the problems in life appear as a reflection of his genius in the series.

Written by Sherlock writer Steve Thompson and The X-Files writer Frank Spotnitz, the series focuses on an untapped aspect of genius by creating a new character around the name Leonardo da Vinci. Bringing a fictional interpretation to the artist’s perfectionist nature, personal relationships and creativity, the series presents a story of crime and suspense during the Renaissance.

Although it is stated that it does not aim to be a documentary production while presenting a historical drama to the audience, “Leonardo” continues to collect criticism from different circles, especially art historians, due to its separation from historical facts.

You can find the series, which we would recommend to those who are interested in art and Leonardo, one of the geniuses of our age, to watch, on Amazon Prime.

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