The Andy Warhol Diaries

“The Andy Warhol Diaries” opens a door to the inner world of Andy Warhol, one of the most important figures in art history. The series is based on the 1989 book of the same name, edited by Pat Hackett, who dictated the diaries. The mini-documentary series “The Andy Warhol Diaries” published by Netflix offers a perspective enriched with the interpretations of figures close to the artist. The diary entries heard from the artist’s voice created with artificial intelligence also refer to Warhol’s desire to transform into a machine.

Warhol, weakened after being shot in 1968, begins to record telephone conversations. He mentions his desire to start a diary to Pat Hackett, with whom he speaks daily, to transcribe the speeches. The diary, which started in 1976 to track business expenses, later includes Warhol’s thoughts and experiences.

The series, which makes people question who the real Andy is between the character Andy Warhol presents to the society and the people around him and his daily writings, presents the audience with pieces of Andy Warhol’s private life.

The Andy Warhol Diaries, which touches on many issues such as the situations he encounters as a homosexual artist, his works not being taken seriously by the art circles, his relationships with the men he loves, also gives anecdotes about the meanings hidden behind his works. In the series, which especially focuses on his artistic relationship with Jean Michel Basquiat, a perspective is brought to the changes that this relationship created in the lives of both artists, through the racial and sexual norms of the period.

The documentary series also discusses the impact of Andy Warhol, who adapts to the changing socio-cultural dynamics with his self-renewing image, on the people he interacts with, and questions how the artist still influences today’s popular culture after his death.

“The Andy Warhol Diaries” is available to watch on Netflix.

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