
Maudie is about Maud Lewis who is considered as one of the celebrated artists of Canadian folk art. The artist’s life full of struggle and pain is examined by touching upon her rheumatoid arthritis disease which enables her to get excluded from her own family. It displays the artist’s struggle with her family and social environment. Lewis, who is a self-taught artist and in time she develops her painting skills, starts working as a maid in a tiny house in which her life changes. She starts to sell her hand-painted Christmas postcards and becomes a loved and sought-after artist of her environment. The film focuses also on her passionate and violent love relationship with her husband who is a pedestrian fish seller, Everett Lewis. Maudie is first screened at the Toronto Film Festival in 2016 and received many awards. The actings of Sally Hawkins and Ethan Hawke are quite successful as well.

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