The Dali Museum

In Florida’s Dali Museum all is about Salvador Dali, the most important artist of the 20th century. It not only celebrates and represents the artistic life and production of the great artist, but also it is as an artistic treasure with its building, rich collection and library. The story of the Museum dates back to […]

The Underwater Museum of Art

In Cancun National Marine Park, deep in the ocean, you can visit an extraordinary museum that represents important Mexican artists and  exhibit their sculptures. Since its foundation in 2009 in Cancun, Mexico, the Underwater Museum of Art has become one of the major and largest underwater attractions in the world, which takes the visitors on […]

National Gallery Singapore

Located in Singapore’s Civic District, the National Gallery Singapore is a recently opened museum. Since its opening to the public in 2015, this special Museum, whose has been developed over 10 years, has become one of the leading institutions of art and the city. Singapore witnessed a significant increase in artistic colloboration, participation and interest […]

More Art and an Open Mind: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

Since its foundation in 1935, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Museum (SFMOMA) has developed itself further through growing collections, important exhibitions and extensive building projects. As a result, over years it has become one of the most important art institutions, which reflects the statement ‘’Come with an open mind, leave with so much more’’ […]

An Extraordinary Museum: The Baksı Museum

Near the Black Sea, 45 kilometers from Bayburt, on a hilltop overlooking the Coruh Valley, rises a 3-layered building. This area which was initially called Baks,, now called the village of Bayraktar, is the site of the Baksı Museum. Bridging together traditional handcrafts such as weaving and ceramics with Contemporary Art, this extraordinary Museum enables […]

The World of Tales, Stories and Myths with Deniz Defne Acerol

Deniz Defne Acerol is truly a storyteller. In her compositions, she uses classical and mythological references with a contemporary critical approach. We talked with Defne who has recently joined the family about her life, paintings and ongoing projects.   You were born in Hong Kong. How old were you when you left? What was […]

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