After The End of Art

After the End of Art book is based on a speech given by the American art critic and philosopher Arthur C. Danto as a part of A.W. Mellon Seminars. The mimetic tradition based on the fact that art is a representation of reality, has been abandoned and the meaning and purpose of art has begun to change with the age of modern art manifestos. Many art movements that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century changed the flow of art history, which was considered linear until this period. At this point, independent and individual artists began to redefine art and use it as an extension of their own identities. In Danto’s words, in the 1960s, when a post-historical understanding of art emerged, the barrier between art and daily life was broken. The author, who touches on issues such as the history of art, the art of the people, pop art and the role of museums in the future, states that the conventional aesthetic concepts will not apply to modern art.

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