Why Your Five Year Old Could Not Have Done That: Modern Art Explained

“My five year old could have done that” is one of the most frequently encountered viewer reactions to Modern art. Susie Hodge explains with a passionate and exciting language why it is not that simple. Selecting 100 seminal artworks from modern art history that received similar viewer criticisms, the author brings together the conditions and ideas of the period in which these works emerged; the resut is a great book illustrating the deep intellectual legacy Modern art is based on. 


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      Teklifinizin değerlendirilebilir olması durumunda en geç 5 iş günü içerisinde dönüş yapılacaktır. 5 iş günü içerisinde teklifinize yanıt alamamanız teklifinizin değerlendirilme olasılığı bulunmadığı anlamına gelmektedir.

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