Fifty Key Texts in Art History

Diana Newall and Grant Pooke’s “Fifty Key Texts in Art History”, is an important source that brings influential art writings together, selected from the classical period to the late modern. Contrary to the Eurocentric approach, the book, which presents ideas from different periods, generations, and art movements chronologically, offers an alternative and critical view of cultural history. Selected texts, focus on contemporary discussions about art as well as dialogues that shape art history. Starting from the classical period, the book covers Iconoclasm and the art and religion dilemma, the writings of Giorgio Vasari, the groundbreaking texts of Kant, Hegel, Heidegger, Benjamin, and Baudelaire; as well as Clement Greenberg, Guy Debord, Brian O’doherty, Deleuze-Guattari, Arthur Danto, Hal Foster, Nicholas Bourriaud and Judith Butler’s ideas that deeply affected contemporary art. The book features arguments about Feminism, gender, relational aesthetics, multiculturalism in art, cultural identity, art in the postcolonial period with texts that were written by curators, gallerists, artists, and art historians. Edited by Diana Newall and Grant Pooke, and translated to Turkish by Akın Emre Pilgir and Ercan Tugay Akı, “Fifty Key Texts in Art History” is published by Ayrıntı Yayınları in 2021 and can be bought from all bookstores and online platforms.

    Teklifinizin değerlendirilebilir olması durumunda en geç 5 iş günü içerisinde dönüş yapılacaktır. 5 iş günü içerisinde teklifinize yanıt alamamanız teklifinizin değerlendirilme olasılığı bulunmadığı anlamına gelmektedir.

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