is at Eataly with the exhibition “Eat Play Love”

LoveToLove - Seçil Yaylalı
Seçil Yaylalı, Love to Love n. 4 (detail)

In line with its motto “Add art to your life!”, brings art into the lively atmosphere of Zorlu Center Eataly. Artworks of painting, sculpture, print and photography created with a wide range of materials including food, mock-ups and ready-made objects by ten emerging artists emphasize cultural values and social interaction. The exhibition will be on view every day between 10 am and 10 pm until November 30.

Beril Ateş, The Unknown Gift

According to scientists our brains produce the same reaction when we see a good work of art and when we fall in love. In “Eat Play Love” inspired by the movie “Eat Pray Love”, two elements uniting people, namely food and games, join the passion for art. The visitors coming to the upper floor of Eataly for eating or shopping with the question “Is that a Barbie doll under a belljar?” in their eyes, find themselves in the middle of the extraordinary future scenarios Genco Gülan builds through his “alternative glasses” and so the discovery game for the big children begins. Right next to it appear the funny characters of Beril Ateş who creates her works of art through her authentic viewpoint with irony and criticism.

The dried fruit pulp compositions by Seçil Yaylalı who keeps communication and exchange at the center of her artistic practice,  collages by Cins who expresses himself via “organic” forms reminiscent of flesh and bone inspired from the concept of appetite, paintings by Taşkın Esin diving into an experimental adventure combining acrylic and coffee… These works in which elements appealing to the eye and to the taste coexist, combine the beauty of food with the vitalness of art.

Beyza Paksın focuses on the imagery of women and the kitsch; the roses’ delicacy and the knife’s sharpness build a striking contrast. Azime Sarıtoprak returns to her childhood with the yellow walls of her elementary school and her napkins ornamented with naive drawings. Göksu Gül declares that she tries her best to express her admiration for nature and humanity, and presents the fun and “appetizing” sculptures she specifically produced for this exhibition, attracting especially children to themselves like a magnet.

Begüm Mütevellioğlu arranges houses and rooms as windows opening into bizarre landscapes, spaces dedicated to memories and dreams; perhaps some secret gates leading to Sicily’s narrow streets or Tuscany’s fertile vineyards… Finally Baysan Yüksel questions routines, beliefs, traditions, popular culture and consumerism; naive, warm but similarly deconstructivist and critical.

Baysan Yüksel, Monster


Cover Photo: Cins, Appetized Situations  N. 3

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