A Poor Collector’s Guide to Buying Great Art

Norwegian collector Erling Kagge has more than one string to his fiddle: he is a publisher, a lawyer, a mountaineer that climbed on the Everest and the first person to have walked to the South Pole without company. His book published by Kagge Forlag of which he is the founder and director, is a pleasant read reflecting his colorful personality. The book providing very useful clues on how to build an art collection with a limited budget and introducing the works in Kagge’s collection is a must-have for every collector’s library.


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      Teklifinizin değerlendirilebilir olması durumunda en geç 5 iş günü içerisinde dönüş yapılacaktır. 5 iş günü içerisinde teklifinize yanıt alamamanız teklifinizin değerlendirilme olasılığı bulunmadığı anlamına gelmektedir.

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