Dark Side of the Boom: The Excesses of The Art Market in the 21st Century

The book is written by journalist and art market expert Georgina Adam, is a detailed examination of the extravagance and excesses in the art market. In the book, Adam reveals the mysteries behind the highest levels of art and art objects that are commodified with greed with interviews with artists, collectors, lawyers, bankers, and art frauds. Discussions and intrigues in the art market share outstanding information for observers both inside and outside the art.

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      Teklifinizin değerlendirilebilir olması durumunda en geç 5 iş günü içerisinde dönüş yapılacaktır. 5 iş günü içerisinde teklifinize yanıt alamamanız teklifinizin değerlendirilme olasılığı bulunmadığı anlamına gelmektedir.

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