15th Istanbul Biennial: 7 Works Not Be Missed

All the works at the 15th Istanbul Biennial are worth being seen; but some are definitely not to be missed. Here is our selection of the seven works from the biennial that are a must-see.


Candeğer Furtun, İstanbul Modern

The master’s installation Untitled (1994-96) consists of nine pairs of a man’s legs and a hand. The work isolating these limbs from their functions and from the whole body they are part of, is reminiscent of areas dominated by male energy and masculine rituals.

Candeğer Furtun, İsimsiz.
Candeğer Furtun, İsimsiz / iksvphoto.com


Latifa Echakhch, İstanbul Modern

The Moroccan artist’s site-specific fresco, Crowd Fade (2017), refers to the dissappointment social uprisings produce when they remain fruitless. The viewer is invited to walk through a narrow corridor between two walls facing each other and two lines of debris that fell off these walls.

Latifa Echakhch, Silinen Kalabalık.
Latifa Echakhch, Silinen Kalabalık / iksvphoto.com


Volkan Aslan, İstanbul Modern

With his three-channel video installation Home Sweet Home (2017), Volkan Aslan questions the boundaries between the sedentary and the nomadic, the indoor and the outdoor, the safe and the unsafe situations, pointing out to the fragility of the current state of each and every one of us.


Leander Schönweger, Galata Greek Primary School

The young artist’s work Our Family Lost (2017) consists of a labyrinth composed of rooms that become smaller as the viewer proceeds. This dreamlike installation making the viewer lose his or her sense of direction also refers to concepts like alienation and the disintegration of social solidarity.

Leander Schönweger, Ailemiz Kaybetti/Kayboldu.
Leander Schönweger, Ailemiz Kaybetti/Kayboldu / iksvphoto.com


Erkan Özgen, Galata Greek Primary School

In the video Wonderland (2016) by the artist born in Mardin and based in Diyarbakır, a hearing and talking-impaired boy named Muhammed tries to tell, through signs and gestures, the story of his trauma within the context of the migration wave taking over the entire Middle East.

Erkan Özgen, Harikalar Diyarı.
Erkan Özgen, Harikalar Diyarı / iksvphoto.com


Mark Dion, Galata Greek Primary School

The artist interested in ecosystems and taxonomies creates two cabins of curiosity, İstanbul’s Persistent Weeds (2017) and The Resilient Marine Life of stanbul (2017). The first illustrates the plant species that managed to survive in spite of Istanbul’s intense wave of urbanization, while the second features the sea creatures that still inhabit the Bosphorus.

Mark Dion, İstanbul’un İnatçı Otları.
Mark Dion, İstanbul’un İnatçı Otları / iksvphoto.com


Tsang Kin-Wah, Pera Museum

The Fourth Seal – HE is to No Purpose and HE Wants to Die for the Second Time (2010) from the Hong Kong-based artist’s Seven Seals series is a multi-channel video installation of continuously looping words. The artist opening the gates into an existential questioning on the end of the world, is heavily inspired by religious and philosophical literature.

Tsang Kin-Wah
Tsang Kin-Wah, The Fourth Seal – HE is to No Purpose and HE Wants to Die for the Second Time / tsangkinwah.com


Click for the 15th Istanbul Biennial conceptual framework.

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