Armory Week Begins in New York!

For art enthusiasts, New York and the month of March mean the Armory Show and the other art fairs simultaneously taking place. Here is a collection of the most important art fairs starting in New York this week.

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Namsa Leuba, Sarah, from the series NGL , 2015, Echo Art, Lagos, The Armory Show


The Armory Show, March 3-6

With  more than 200 participating galleries, the Armory Show is considered one of the leading global art fairs. Featuring both Modern and Contemporary art, the “focus” region for this year’s edition is Africa.


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Aaron Johnson, Walking the Tiger, 2016, Stux Gallery, VOLTA


VOLTA NY, March 2-6 

As the affiliate art fair of the Armory Show, VOLTA focuses on the solo projects of artists from all over the world.

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Emily Weiskopf, Leaving on a Jet Plane, 2015, Jenn Singer Gallery, Scope


Scope, March 3-6

Scope continues its innovative exhibition style it first implemented last year. At the fair with 60 participating galleries, gallery booths are installed in transition, creating a more organic exhibition experience.


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Isidro Blasco, Above and Under L-Train (Graham Stop), 2016, Black & White Gallery, Pulse


Pulse New York, March 3-6

The art fair born in 2005 and well recognized for its dynamic exhibitors promises an interesting experience with the large scale installations and performances in its Projects section.

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Boredomresearch, Dark Storm Phials, 2015, DAM Berlin, Moving Image


Moving Image New York, March 3-6

The New York branch of the art fair that takes place in Istanbulsimultaneously with Art International will feature seven video premieres.


Erin Ko, Mediation II, 2014, Clio


Clio Art Fair, March 3-6 

The fair showing independent artists is an alternative to the mainstream art fairs with gallery-based participants.


Click to stay updated on global art fairs.

Cover image: Ato Malinda, Representation, 1/5, 2014, Circle Art Agency, Nairobi, the Armory Show

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