An Artist of the Floating World

Set during the aftermath of WWII in Japan, famous author Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel invites the reader into the story of a talented painter Masuji Ono. Although the artist decides to retire and live a life of tranquility, his memories of past do not leave him alone. In time he realizes that the destructive nature of war and militarism has influenced his paintings. This acknowledgement gives Ono the opportunity to question his past mistakes and confront himself. The novel proves that art acts like a mirror, helping individuals to confront their inner world. Ishiguro narrates the story from the viewpoint of Ono and focuses on his regrets and questionings, while shedding light on the history of change in Japan. Bringing the author the Whitbread Award in 1986, the novel is a great choice for art lovers who cherish inner journeys.

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