33 Artists in 3 Acts

Sarah Thornton, who examined different actors of the international contemporary art scene with her book titled “Seven Days in the Art World”, this time focuses on the lives and works of artists with “33 Artists in 3 Acts”. The book, in which Thornton has witnessed the lives of world-renowned stars as well as unexpected artists such as art teachers, is a quest for understanding the meaning of being an artist today. The author, who met with Ai Weiwei just before he was imprisoned, also visited Jeff Koons on a busy day and Yayoi Kusama in her studio. Thornton seeks an answer to the question of “What is an Artist”, in three acts; “Politics, Kinship, and Craft”. Exploring the moods, personalities, worldviews, families, crises, and achievements of the names she met, the author aims to illuminate the mystery behind the concept of “artist” and to share the existence of the “artist” as a human being with the readers, even if they are world-famous names. You can order the book “33 Artists in 3 Acts” written by Sarah Thornton in 2015, which includes meetings and interviews with 33 artists, such as Cindy Sherman, Maurizio Cattelan, Damien Hirst, and Francis Alys, on Amazon.

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