Summer Readings

Taschen Basic Art Series

Remzi Kitabevi

Remzi Kitabevi brings our homes world’s most widely-read art books, the Taschen Basic Art Series. Since its first publication in 1985, the series included 200 books, each focusing on life and production of a different pioneering artists, architect and designer. From Bacon to Picasso, Monet to Klimt, so far it has been translated to 20 languages. You can find Taschen Art Series books in all bookstores.



The Shape of a Pocket

John Berger

One of the most important authors of art and cultural history who passed away recently, John Berger tells the story of how important and eternal art is for the society and the individual. In this book of collection of his essays, we see how his beautiful writing comes together with his different way of approaching art and the individual. Driving examples from Classical and Modern Art and thousands years old cage drawings in France and Egypt, he reveals art’s essential role in human life.



Frida Kahlo at Home

Suzanne Barbezat, Frances Lincoln Publications, 2016

The homes and places where famous artist Frida Kahlo lived and been to had a special impact on her life and art. Due to the health problems that she faced during her youth, Frida Kahlo spent long periods at home in La Cas Azul. After marrying Diego Riviera, she moved to other places and lived in other cities.  In later years of her life, she returned home. With images, archives and Kahlo’s paintings and pictures, this book provides an insight into how the homes and landscapes shaped Kahlo’s art.



The Art Forger

B.A. Shapiro, Algonquin Books

In March, 18, 1990, 13 artworks that are worth of 15 million dollars today were stolen from the Isabella Gardner Museum.  Departing from this real-life event which was also biggest art theft in U.S. history, Shapiro created a thrilling and detailed fiction. In her novel, Claire Roth, an artist making a living reproducing famous works of art makes a deal with a powerful gallery owner.  The deal includes reproduction of a stolen Degas painting. When the Degas painting was delivered to her door, things got complicated as she begins to suspect the painting’s originality. Will she forge a forgery or will she try to reveal the mystery behind this painting?



Africa Rising: Fashion, Design and Lifestyle from Africa

Clara Le Fort&Robert Klanten (ed.), Gestalten&Design Indaba, 2016

African continent has a colorful, unconventional, fresh and elegant sense of fashion and design. It showcases young artists who push every limit of creativity. This book explores African fashion and design which brings together innovation and tradition, and shows creativity and colors behind African fashion.  With an in-depth analysis on African designers, designs and their work, it tells readers the story and place of African design in world fashion and design industry.



Management of Art Galleries

Magnues Reich, Phaidon, 2016

What is behind the success of an art gallery? How should galleries do their marketing? Which customer group is attractive? How can an art gallery be managed?

Magnus Reich searches for answers to these and many other questions in his book ‘’Management of Galleries.’’ While providing an insightful analysis of the sector, he drives conclusions from the results of an anonymous survey carried out in UK, U.S. and Germany. While reading this book, you will not only explore art galleries but also start looking at the sector from a different point of view.



Japan Style

Gion Carlo Calza, Phaidon, 2015

‘’The path to understanding Japanese Culture is slow and long’’

This book describes and defines Japan Style and explores Japanese culture, lifestyle and vision of the world. Aiming at providing readers all necessary tools to understand Japanese art and culture, it brings in different perspectives to approach Japan style. In the book, the readers will see 150 colour images and most important examples of products of Japanese art and culture.



Paris is the Most Romantic City in the World

Mine G. Kırıkkanat, Kırmızı Kedi Yayınları, 2017

‘’Big cities are like people’’ says Mine G. Kırıkkanat in her new travel book that focuses on the most romantic city in the world, Paris. By taking readers to a journey to the cafes, streets, art museums and galleries of Paris, she reflects at its best the spirit, richness and dynamism of the city. Taking inspiration from her own living experience and observation, while reading this book, you will find yourself imagining starting and ending every day in Paris.



Timeless Movies

Barış Saydam, Küre Yayınları, 2017

Timeless Movies explores Turkish cinema. Published this month by Küre Publications, the book brings together many articles written in Turkish and English. They are written after panels and presentations that were held during a special program organized in collaboration with Istanbul Modern and Center for Turkish Cinema between 8-13th of May. Timeless Movies has 4 sections; Classics, Secret Treasures, Realistic Cinema and Turkish Cinema, each providing an in-depth analysis on issues and types present in films.



This is not a Pipe

Michel Foucault, Yapı Kredi Yayınları

Is what we see is what we see?

Written by worldwide known French philosopher and historian Michel Foucault, this special book focuses on Rene Magritte’s visual language and use of word nuances. Aiming at understanding Magritte’s visual vocabulary and paintings, Foucault explores the artist’s district style and use of words. While reading this book which is enriched with interviews, letters and pictures, readers will seek answer to the following question: ‘’is this a pipe?’’


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