The Most Anticipated Museums of 2019

Following the opening of the Susch Museum in January, we are counting down days for the new museums which are set to open in 2019. With their extraordinary building projects, unique art collections, rich program of events and exhibitions and million dollar budgets, these museums located in different parts of the world have already created a wave of wonder and excitement among the artlovers and international arts and culture sector. Let’s sneak peak into 2019’s most anticipated museums and discover their key features together.

National Museum of Qatar 

– Architect: Jean Nouvel Architects
– Location: Doha, Qatar
– Planned Opening: 28 March 2019

Fotoğraf Kaynağı: Iwan Baan
Photo Source: Iwan Baan

The National Museum of Qatar is undoubtedly among the most exciting and sensational museum openings of 2019. It will reflect the vibrant, dynamic and thriving arts and culture sector of the Arabian peninsula. After the opening of the Louvre Abu Dhabi in 2017, The National Museum of Qatar has become the region’s most recognized and sensational project. Similarly, the National Museum of Qatar’s extraordinary building, which cost 434 million dollars, was designed by the creator of Louvre Abu Dhabi, the world-renowned French architect, Jean Nouvel. The immersive NMoQ will tell the story of the history of Qatar from more than 700 million years ago to the present day. It will also present newly commissioned works by contemporary artists such as Qatari painter Ali Hassan, Iraqi sculptor Ahmed Al Bahrani, Syrian sculptor Simone Fattal. With its 11 high-tech galleries, walls becoming cinema screens and individual cocoons holding oral histories, the museum will offer its visitors a unique museum experience.

The Shed

– Architect: Diller Scofidio + Renfro, with collaborating Rockwell Group
– Place: Manhattan, New York, USA
– Planned Opening: 5 April 2019

Fotoğraf: Brett Beyer. Kaynak: The Shed
Photo: Brett Beyer. Source: The Shed

Getting ready to bring a new breath to New York, the Shed will be an arts center dedicated to commissioning and presenting all types of performing arts, visual arts, and popular culture. Its eight-level base structure will host expansive, column-free galleries for hit exhibitions, an interior performance hall designed for examples of performance art and a 500-seat black-box theater for events and film screenings. One of the most distinctive features of the Shed is its high-tech, movable outer shell, which can be rolled out to create an inner performance and event space, or can be transformed the enclosed atrium back into an outdoor plaza. Some of the inaugural commissions of the arts center include a theatrical concert developed by Icelandic singer and songwriter Björk, and a five-night concert programme of African-American music conceived by Turner Prize–winning filmmaker Steve McQueen.

The Ruby City Museum

– Architect: David Adjaye
– Place: San Antonio, Teksas, USA
– Planned Opening: October 2019

Fotoğraf Kaynağı: Linda Pace Vakfı
Photo Source: Linda Pace Foundation

The Ruby City Museum is the new home of Teksas, San Antonio’s Linda Pace Foundation. It is also among the most anticipiated buildings of 2019. The extraordinary, irregularly shaped, bright-red building is designed by David Adjaye. With its dramatic lines and the adjacent public plaza, the Ruby City has already become a citymark. It will present 800 piece-collection of contemporary art along with a rich program of temporary exhibitions and events and will help cement San Antonio’s place on the art world’s map.


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