5 Artists from Art50.net in Imago Mundi Collection

Imago Mundi Collection consists of 10 x 12 cm artworks from all over the world commissioned by Luciano Benetton. With the objective of collecting global artistic experiences and transmitting them to the future generations as a world heritage, the collection is based on a non-commercial structure and features both established and emerging artists.

Having grown into a collection featuring more than 17,000 artworks from 100 countries while originally aiming at 10,000 from 80, Imago Mundi organizes touring exhibitions and publishes catalogs to render the collection accessible to the maximum number of viewers worldwide.


This week, Imago Mundi published Istanbul Codex, a sub-collection featuring 227 artworks by Turkish artists, which includes 5 artists from Art50.net. Gözde Başkent is represented in the collection with her “Untitled” acrylic painting (1), whereas Begüm Mütevellioğlu is  present with her oil painting “Ah, There’s No Place Like Home! (Back) A View from Somewhere Nice” (2); Emre Meydan is featured with his “Untitled” (3), a work made of fabric and thread, while  Genco Gülan is represented with his digital print titled “Out on Loan” (4), and Hüseyin Rüstemoğlu with his “Man Sleeping in the Void” (5), a mixed media painting.


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