1/One Year with Art50.net

1/One Year with Art50.net;
I have been part of the Art50.net family, a successful online art platform, for one year. I was going to leave my think piece incomplete if I didn’t mention how we enthusiastically talked about our new projects, how they injected hope in me as I shared my new ideas, and all the pleasure we had going through the process of sharing those ideas with the public with a common mentality and joy. I first need to pay homage to the emerged friendship (!/?)

How far can a year’s overview be from the reality of the geography we live in? To clarify gains and losses can technically build a chain of findings and thoughts. In the light of the developing knowledge, production, effort, love, fantasy and hope can be reshaped. But what the main objective should be in an artist’s sharing of aconfrontation, quest, utopia or a thickly underlined mental enquiry? In fact what is “Supposed to Be”? On in an explicit language; what is the aim of the effort/hardwork?

Could the answer be; happiness? Or?
Personally, throughout the last year, the observations, proposals and ideas I developed as a form of resistance against my anxieties surrounding me from all directions in my heart, mind and daily life became, through a plastic interpretation, into artworks. I shared my feelings with you as they came from inside, through poetry. The artist’s ideology, intuition and belief in what is ideal is subjective. This is the basis of thought and philosophy… But sometimes the soul gets carried away so much, it dares to build a totally new reality in all its universality, let alone surpassing continentd with hope as its driving force. Perhaps my struggle to change the sociopolitical realities rendered my being understood or my artworks’ appreciation rather difficult. The way to explain a beautiful, more beautiful world, as writing all realities, all love stories from scratch; glittering colors, materials, surfaces that would enhance hope… I am aware that I leave some sentence without a verb. But it should not be forgotten that the capacity of an artist to carry the weight of real life requires a conversation, a discussion accompanied by coffee… Let’s grab a coffee and talk about it…

In the last few years we have often heard about and mentioned the idea of affordable art… I think it becomes a basis for a new physical and intellectual opportunity where material and spiritual limits are comprehensible and reachable. The thoughts and creations of us, young artists, that navigate in unexplored, unnoticed, postponed, missed themes that we have been fusing together, in our daily lives… In fact, in a sense, it would be less than enough to call ourselves the cultural proletariat.
Really, when was the last time you “allowed” youself?… This permission could well just be lying down on your back for some rest, and  talk about your untold boundaries of passion/curiosity/meditation belonging to your soul! Who knows, maybe an image that symbolizes your thoughyt has already been plasticized. The voice in your mind, the beat in your heart has perhaps been turned into a photograph; maybe a painting; a sculpture… Allow yourself… It may very well be what we need the most(!/?)

We are entering a new year. It is impossibl to keep up with time… The next second turns life upside down, let alone the next day. Thought is the greatest design. Thought is the biggest form of life. Thought is the greatest force. There is no magic word or object; indeed… But there is a force you can add to your being! That magic force is definitely ART(!/?)

HELLO(!/?) To a new year all together, with many colors of thought; abundant in joy, where we laugh, feel joy, love and love a lot; and be loved…


Haydar AKDAĞ

    Teklifinizin değerlendirilebilir olması durumunda en geç 5 iş günü içerisinde dönüş yapılacaktır. 5 iş günü içerisinde teklifinize yanıt alamamanız teklifinizin değerlendirilme olasılığı bulunmadığı anlamına gelmektedir.

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