at Contemporary Istanbul in Collaboration with Galata Business Angels

GBA brings art-tech startups together at Contemporary Istanbul

One of the first angel investment organizations in Turkey, GBA (Galata Business Angels) will open a booth to host art-tech startups, combining art and digital technologies, at Contemporary Istanbul (CI), the region’s and Turkey’s premier international art fair. The event will take place between 3 and 6 November.

İyisahne, Decol, Iconic, Art50, KültürLimited, SanatOnline, DarkTownPictures and LimartOnline startups will be ready at the GBA’s booth. Performce artist Ayça Ceylan will also show an interactive performance as part of Decol’s new media business at the booth on 3-4 November at 18.30 and on 5-6 November at 16.30.

GBA will also organize a panel on November 3rd, Thursday, between 17.00 and 18.00 as part of CI Dialogues. The extensive CI Dialogues brings together more than 50 art professionals, artists and collectors in order to review the state of contemporary art as well as the current characteristics of its economics and markets for three days. Participants of GBA’s panel will discuss the relationship between art and entrepreneurship, and focus mainly on how investing in the creative sectors differs from investing in regular start-ups. As being among the leading art collectioners in Turkey, GBA’s angel investors Ahu Serter and Emre Kurttepeli as well as Sinan Zabunoğlu, the founding partner of who had recently got investment from GBA, and Güliz Özbek, the owner of will be hosting at the panel.


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